Sunday, September 11, 2011

Free DOCX to HTML Viewer

Now you can convert docx files into a format you can read easily with a couple of clicks. Simply go to the following link, then "Browse ..." to the file you want to convert. Then click the button "View DOCX File" and your file will be quickly displayed in your browser.

This is great if you are travelling and don't have Microsoft Word available or simply don't want to pay to upgrade MS Word to a version that supports DOCX format.

We are providing this free DOCX conversion service in order to quickly display the contents of a docx file easily.


The Team

Friday, September 2, 2011

Convert PDF files

Well, things are getting even better here at Sometimes you may be in a situation where you want to quickly convert a PDF file to html or docx. Perhaps you don't have a pdf reader on your current computer or smartphone. We have added basic PDF Conversion to help you do this quickly and easily.

Current converters supported are

* PDF to DOC
* PDF to RTF
* PDF to TXT
* PDF to ODT
* PDF to JPG
* PDF to PNG
* PDF to Postscript